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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  February 17, 2013 7:00am-8:00am PST

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plant which i look forward to. >> yeah. >> thank you, ginger. also coming up on the broadcast, we have pictures of massive crowds in st. peter's square for pope benedict doing his second to last weekly sunday morning window blessing before his retirement. coming up, the news we have this morning about the secretive conclave of cardinals where a successor will be chosen. >> the guessing game is in full effect over who it will be. also this morning, we get a rare sit-down with lebron james of the nba all-star game. you won't believe what his favorite tv show is. i'm pretty sure the answer will surprise you, and he has a special message for our robin roberts. she, of course, will be here in just a few days rejoining us here at "gma." >> that is great, and also i was very impressed that he was willing to admit his favorite tv show. we'll tell you in a couple minutes. also, the story of a heart transplant with a surprise romantic twist. we've been talking about this story behind the scenes for 24 hours now. we cannot wait to show it to you coming up, but let's start this morning with the triple threat in the weather department. the map tells the whole story. we've got a storm heading to new england this morning.
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another one coming out west and a cold snap down south. ginger zee, our in-house action figure, covering it all. ginger, take it away. >> i would really like an action figure doll actually. can you work on that? while i do the weather? we want to start in detroit. because on i-75, all parts of southeast michigan were a mess yesterday. they had some lake effect, some enhanced snow from a little upper air disturbance. either way, look what happened. this happened in toledo, parts of pennsylvania too, so it was not just in michigan but disastrous for the roads. charlotte, north carolina, that's right, charlotte had 3 inches of snow. so it was a mess on their roadways too. that is that low pressure system that has now tracked over the ocean and will clip boston and the cape. it's been more than two years, by the way, since charlotte had that type of accumulating snow. look what's going to happen here from montauk and providence, and the cape, hyannis included, that's in that 6 to 9-inch range. boston, 3 to 6 inches, this, just about a week after we all all that snow last weekend.
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and if you don't have the snow, you have the cold. it feels like 16 in philly this morning. 1, pittsburgh. detroit's windchill is zero and and the freezing all the way down to florida. freeze warnings and windchill warnings. i'll have so much more coming up on that storm in the west, but for now back to bianna. >> freezing in florida, not something you see every day. all right, ginger. thank you. well, we're hearing this morning from the families of both oscar pistorius and of his model girlfriend who pistorius is accused of killing on valentine's day. the olympian's family insists the shooting was a terrible accident. meantime, reeva steenkamp's grieving father is also speaking with with a somewhat surprising statement of sympathy. abc's bazi kanani has more from pretoria, south africa. >> reporter: for the first time, the pistorius family comes forward to personally defend their world famous relative suddenly accused of murder. >> oscar, as you can imagine, he's also numb with shock and grief. >> reporter: oscar pistorius' friends and families believe he
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mistook his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, for an intruder. his father telling "the sunday telegraph" overnight "when you are a sportsman, you act even more on instinct. it's instinct, things happen and that's what you do." and his best friend said pistorius called him after the shooting to say, there's been a terrible accident. i shot reeva. >> i can promise you with the knowledge of god, he will come out right. >> reporter: while his family insist he is not a murderer, prosecutors disagree. they say neighbors reported hearing an argument at the house just hours before the shooting, and police sources told local media steenkamp was shot through the bathroom door where she may have been trying to hide to safe herself. among her father's few comments to reporters, "we just need to find some answers. we ask the lord every day to help us find a reason why this should happen to reeva." >> reeva. >> reporter: the memory of their
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daughter lives on on national tv where the reality show she recently taped premiered this weekend with a special tribute and telling last words. >> i think the way that you go out not just your journey in life, but the way you go out and the way you make your exit is so important. you either made an impact in a positive or negative way, but just maintain integrity and maintain class and just always be true to yourself. >> reporter: steenkamp's father expressed sympathy for oscar pistorius saying there was no hatred in his heart. pistorius will remain here in jail until his bail hearing tuesday when we will expect to learn more details of evidence police have been gathering. dan? >> striking comments from her father. thank you. now to an abc news exclusive, the mother who says her 2-year-old child was slapped by a fellow passenger on the flight facing a federal charge that could land him in prison
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and gio benitez is on the story. >> good morning, dan, bianna. mom says the man not only traumatized her adopted son with a painful smack but also called the little boy a name so many of us consider deplorable. jonah bennett is just 19 months old but he's at the center of an fbi investigation. agents accusing this man, 60-year-old joe hundley, a stranger, of smacking the boy on a delta flight from minneapolis to atlanta. the boy's mother, jessica bennett, speaking exclusively to abc news. she showed us how she says hundley assaulted her child. >> well, he had his hand out like that, and so it was -- you know, it it came down that way at jonah's eye right here. >> reporter: it all allegedly started in row 28 of the plane. jessica and jonah had the aisle seat, hundley the window. >> jonah starts crying feeling the pressure in his ears. >> reporter: that's when according to court documents hundley told mom to "shut that "n" word baby up." >> and i said, what did you just say? and he was so drunk that he fell
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on to my face, and his mouth moved over to my ear, and he said it just directly into my ear. >> reporter: and then she says the unthinkable happened. hundley hit little jonah. >> when i had looked at jonah's face, he had -- his eye was swollen here, and it was bleeding. i was just scared to death. >> i wonder whether it was the crying that upset him or whether it was the color of the boy's skin that upset him. >> reporter: hundley is president of an aircraft parts company in idaho. he's now been charged with assaulting a minor. his employer telling us "we have suspended the employee pending investigation." this morning little jonah's dad also has a message for hundley. >> and i hope he's embarrassed, you know, i hope he feels ashamed. >> yeah. >> reporter: hundley's attorney told abc news "nobody should rush to judgment just yet." he will plead not guilty, but mom's attorney told us that among the witnesses on that flight was a federal air
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marshal. >> i don't know if i could be that restrained as a mother. my husband and i were talking about this for quite a while last night. incredible story. >> it really is but her father -- the child's father was actually not there on that flight, and he said he is not sure he would be able to stay that calm. >> gio, thank you very much. we'll turn now to politics as details of president obama's proposal for immigration reform have begun leaking out of washington. it includes a plan that could pave the way to citizenship for many of the nation's 11 million illegal immigrants. reena ninan joins us from the white house with that story. good morning to you, reena. >> reporter: hi, bianna. good morning to you, as well. the white house has been working on its own immigration reform bill, but it hasn't publicly revealed its details opting instead to allow congress to act first. it's a supposed white house plan for comprehensive immigration reform. republicans are already calling it dead on arrival.
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half baked and seriously flawed. "usa today" claims a leaked draft proposal circulating throughout various departments would allow for illegal immigrants to obtain green cards within eight years. it also calls for increased border patrol funding, and expanded e-verify system so businesses can check employees' legal status. republicans didn't hesitate to voice their discontent. republican marco rubio released a statement saying "if actually proposed, the president's bill would be dead on arrival in congress and leaving us with unsecured borders and broken legal immigration system for years to come." the white house has not publicly released the language or specific proposals for a bill but the president had warned congress he's poised to act if they don't move quickly on immigration reform. >> and if congress is unable to move forward in a timely fashion, i will send up a bill based on my proposal. >> reporter: overnight, the white house also issued this statement, "the president has
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made clear the principles upon which he believes any commonsense immigration reform effort should be based. we continue to work in support of a bipartisan effort." the president met with democratic senators here at the white house on wednesday. they're working on bipartisan legislation, and they hope to have something to push forward in march. the president also telling our sister station, univision, going beyond that deadline would be a problem. bianna. >> reena, thank you. i'll take it up from here. will something actually get done on this issue? that's the big question. let's go to jon karl in washington filling in for stephanopoulos on "this week." hey, jon, given the unfriendly back and forth that we just heard from reena, is there any potential for compromise on the path to citizenship? >> well, it certainly is not a good sign, dan. there certainly is still potential for compromise. in fact, before this story broke things looked really good on immigration. you had a bipartisan group in the senate coming to agreement on a broad set of principles and sounding very positive of getting something through but marco rubio is the path to an immigration bill for this white
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house. and to have marco rubio coming out the way he did last night in response to this proposal and saying it is half baked and seriously flawed, dead on arrival in congress, major, major setback. the white house was doing this without any input from any republicans, and they're really upset about it. they've got some damage control to do this morning. >> and, jon, i want to ask you about the other battle in washington over chuck hagel, the president's choice for defense second. republicans in the senate temporarily blocked his nomination. how rare is that, and what does that say about the likelihood that he'll get the job? >> well, it's extremely rare. and i've got to say this is one of the most bizarre episodes i have covered in congress because you had republicans blocking his nomination, blocking the vote on his nomination, but saying that when they come back from their recess next week, that they will no longer block it. so it looks like he will get through without any problem but whenever there's a delay, there are questions raised. it's not a sure thing. it's pretty close to a sure thing which raises a question of what the republicans are trying to accomplish with simply a week
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or two, and that is where it stands right now. >> indication of how partisan things are in washington right now. jon, thanks so much. great to see you. a couple of very big names on jon's show, republican congressman and former vice presidential candidate paul ryan and newly appointed white house chief of staff denis mcdonough coming up on "this week." all right. let's go to to ron claiborne for a look at the other headlines. >> good morning, everyone. we begin with news about a new pope and when that pope may be chosen. the vatican hinting it may begin the process of selecting pope benedict's successor earlier than expected. abc's david wright joins us from rome now where pope benedict is celebrating his second to last sunday as head of the roman catholic church. david? >> reporter: good morning, ron. the pope just finished his weekly angelus, and only one more time will he appear in that window, so a huge crowd gathered here at st. peter's today, but already behind the scenes, the focus has turned to choosing his successor. the vatican spokesman yesterday floating a trial balloon
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suggesting that the conclave to choose a new pope could take place before march 15th. some say that's just common sense because there's no funeral this time, no period of mourning, and all the cardinals will presumably be in town to say good-bye to pope benedict, but in other quarters of the church, that trial balloon is being shot down faster than an old-school nun might wrap you on the knuckles. an influential american saying that this process takes place according to strict church law, and only the pope can change that law. if this pope were to change the law now, he says then that would cause many people to say he's choosing one side or favoring one side over another. ron? >> okay, david wright reporting from rome. thank you for that. and the recent surge in gas prices is showing no signs of slowing down. prices at the pump have soared 13 cents a gallon in the past week and 42 cents in the last month. the national average is now 3.71 for a gallon of regular gasoline. the rise in price of oil is mainly to blame.
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gas prices typically don't begin rising like this until late in march. and firefighters in new jersey are honoring the victims of the sandy hook elementary school massacre in connecticut. they're planning to build 26 playgrounds to memorialize each victim of the tragedy. the playgrounds will be located in the areas in new jersey, new york and connecticut that were hit hardest by super storm sandy. the firefighters hope to raise $2 million for this project. and the final tally is in for florida's python hunt. only 68 burmese pythons were caught in the month-long competition after 1600 participants covered a million acres. the top hunter took home $1500 for bagging 18 snakes. officials estimate that as many as 100,000 are living in the everglades where they're a threat to native mammals. and finally, hundreds of people lined up to see the newest attraction at seattle's woodland park zoo.
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these four african lion cubs made their public debut. the cubs were born in november but have been out of sight, out of view inside a maternity den since then. it's the first litter born at the zoo since 1991. and with that we've now reached our cute animal quota for the month. >> i don't know that those pythons are very cute. >> let me assure you, not true, there will be more cute animals coming up. >> you're right about that. >> thank you, ron. all right, well, lebron james is the biggest star in the nba having the season of his career. >> and he's having a blast at the nba all-star weekend and sat down for a rare interview with abc's john schriffen and talked about everything from his favorite tv shows to a cause close to his heart. take a look. >> reporter: he's one of the most recognizable athletes on earth known on the court as king james. >> lilliard. back to lebron. oh, my. >> reporter: but this morning lebron james is holding court opening up to us in a rare sit-down interview. what is something most people don't know about you in your private life? >> i watch cartoons even when my kids are at school. >> reporter: really. what's your favorite cartoon? >> right now "spongebob
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squarepants." >> reporter: last season james dominated with the miami heat, winning his first nba championship. when he's not playing, the engaged father of two tells us he cherishes his role as a family man. you have two young boys. if you weren't in the room with them, what would they say about you? >> they probably would say they love their daddy and when is he going to get us another x box game. >> reporter: here in houston for tonight's nba all-star game he is spending his down time helping change the lives of other kids teaming up with sprite to renovate this boys and girls' club gym. >> an opportunity for kids to be able to have somewhere to just free themselves. i love, you know, the smiles on kids' faces. i love having an opportunity to inspire kids. >> reporter: if his big heart isn't enough, this small forward is also fashion forward. very stylish. let me pull these out. what do you think of these? is this -- does this look work on me? >> absolutely. absolutely.
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looks good. yeah, looks good. >> reporter: speaking of looking and feeling good, james had one final shoutout for our own robin roberts. >> no doubt, big party. maybe we need to bring you guys down to miami and have a party. i don't know if it's in the budget, or is it? >> reporter: now that sounds like a ball. for "good morning america," john schriffen, abc news, houston. >> as a reminder, t-minus three days till robin's return. a huge day for all of us here at abc news. let's check the weather with once again ginger zee. >> it's not just snow falling in new england but wind gusting to over 40 miles per hour in the parts of the cape, providence, boston in winter storm warnings. up here blizzard warnings in far northeast maine, but that storm out in the west, that will change this significantly. yesterday santa barbara tied an all-time record high for 79 for the day. today, 72 for los angeles, 57, san francisco. last day it'll be warm because watch this. as storm slams into northern california, rushes across, mountain snows, rains and much colder air right behind. i'll leave you with a look across the nation, but for now
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that's the big picture. let's get a check a little >> it >> i've got some fresh snow pictures from towns in massachusetts. first we see a beautiful backyard. who doesn't like to wake up to that? thanks, judy, and the next one for dan, it's special. they said their kitty doesn't love the snow. >> yeah. >> hanging on for dear life. >> and i'm threatening to call the society for the protection of animals. >> that's from north carolina. really i think they're fine. they're loving their pet. >> all right.
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thank you, ginger. not only a dare doefl and meteorologist but she's also a veterinarian professional. on "gma" we like a good medical story and partial to love stories. rarely, though, can we combine the two. >> at the center of this one is a 17-year-old who learned he needed a new heart. he could never imagine what else he would get along with that life-saving gift. eric johnson of our seattle affiliate komo has the story. >> reporter: she likes to put her head to his chest and listen to his heartbeat. >> steady. >> reporter: erin knows what he knows, that this heartbeat can never be taken for granted because it has made possible a very special kind of love. >> i never thought i could be so much in love with another person. >> i didn't have any words to describe it. it was just this, you know, connection. >> reporter: at 17 connor rabinowitz had been a star catcher being recruited by division 1 schools. his life changed in 2005 when they told him that he needed a new heart, that if he didn't get
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one he would die. kellen roberts was a seattle kid, very alive, generous to a fault. a free spirit, whimsical and spontaneous, drove his red truck all over the country, lived life on his terms. >> he traveled all over the world. he traveled the united states. he jammed in as much as he could and you know what, it left a much better legacy for us. >> reporter: march 7th, 2005 on a trip to sioux falls, south dakota, kellen hit his head in a freak accident. he died there far from home, but not far from minneapolis. he was an organ donor. >> scared. we drive to the hospital and they were going to cut me open and take out my heart. >> reporter: the transplant was a success, the engine of life had passed from one man to another. >> i just wish he could know how grateful i am. >> reporter: connor wanted, needed to know about kellen.
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>> i was so grateful, but so -- you know, i'd give it back in a second. >> reporter: erin more than anyone understands what's in connor's heart. erin, you see, was kellen's sister. >> it's priceless to know that a part of something you love so much can continue on and not just continue on in existence but be the life force for someone else. i don't know if there's any words to describe that. >> reporter: they say they fell in love almost immediately. >> instantly. >> i have it vividly in my head just looking over, of feeling her mom hug me and just staring into her eyes. >> reporter: to some it's a strange love, but they had to give it a shot. when you are young and in love, you follow your heart. eric johnson, komo 4 news.
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>> extraordinary. >> some tears. >> incredible story, and our thanks to komo for bringing it to us. coming up here on the broadcast, we're going to take a little bit of a left turn into the outrage of the latest "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue. not outrage over what the models are wearing or not wearing, but who they're posing with. glide on. ginger is flying high in her latest adventure, this time soaring into the skies over colombia. coming up in "fixation," the best moment in the slam dunk competition. keep it here on "gma." much more coming up. ♪ we love that basketball they're playing basketball ♪ >> robin roberts is coming back ♪ we love that basketball they're playing basketball ♪ waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles
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with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. moment in the slam dunk [ stefan ] with a cold or flu, nighttime nasal congestion
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can be the worst part. my medicine alone doesn't always give me all the congestion relief i need to sleep. [ female announcer ] adding breathe right nasal strips
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can make all the difference. it's proven to instantly relieve cold or flu nasal congestion. [ stefan ] and because it's drug free, it's safe to use with any medicine to relieve my nighttime stuffy nose. so i can breathe better and sleep better. [ female announcer ] go to for special offers. >> robin roberts is coming back to the show. >> oh, my god. >> robin roberts is coming back to the show. >> oh, my god. >> welcome back, girlfriend. >> welcome back. ♪ >> all: welcome back, robin. >> welcome back, robin. >> hey, robin, welcome back. >> all: welcome back, robin. >> this wednesday robin is back on "gma." this is so good.
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♪ come fly with me let's fly ♪ come fly with me let's fly let's fly away ♪ ginger zee has in her contract that she will not do any story that does not require a major weather disaster or somehow risking her life. there she is paragliding in colombia, and we'll show you the rest of her adventure, which apparently got a little dicey at times coming up on "good morning america." on this sunday morning, good morning, everybody. >> good morning, i'm bianna golodryga. it's sunday, february 17th. along with dan harris, ginger zee will be here in a few
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minutes to tell us about her adventure. also coming up on the show, take a look at these guys throwing snowballs at complete strangers or are they? it's part of our "fixation" segment coming up. first coming up, controversy over the latest "sports illustrated" issue. they're known for pictures of scantily clad women in international locations, but there's something else in this year's photos that's raising eyebrows. abc's tanya rivero is here with the story. >> reporter: certain pictures on the "sports illustrated" website, especially some from a shoot they did in namibia, upsetting many who are speaking out. take a look at the pictures and you be the judge. with a white hot cover shot of kate upton, this year's "sports illustrated" swimsuit issue made a big splash with buzz about photo shoots on all seven continents. but this year models in barely there bikinis are sharing air time with controversy
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brewing over some photos and video that did not make it into the magazine. particularly these taken in africa and this shot from china. some are cowing them at best culturally insensitive. >> for me the african picture was probably the most offensive because it played on some of the most old and stereotypical images. it showed the african as primitive, almost uncivilized. >> reporter: on the website jezebel, deputy editor dodai stewart is also critical of the photos writing "using people of color as background or extras is a popular fashion trope but although it's prevalent, it's very distasteful. people are not props." one of the models, emily didonato, talks about her shoot on "si's" website. >> it was such a cool experience to shoot with people like that. something completely different from anything i have seen or someone i never saw in my life. >> reporter: some people we spoke with didn't see a problem with the photos. >> as a traveler myself i think i love seeing these places and
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seeing other cultures, so i think it shows that in this magazine. >> reporter: proving once again that controversy just like beauty is often in the eyes of the beholder. and "sports illustrated" gave abc news this statement saying "this year's edition went to all seven continents, something no other publication has done to present the natural beauty of each setting and its people. we apologize to anyone who has taken exception to the way their culture was represented," so they did issue an apology. >> and oftentimes controversy does not hurt in a situation like this. >> i'm sure they will still sell many magazines. >> i'm sure they will. let's get it over to ron claiborne on the news desk. can you top that? >> actually i cannot. dan and bianna, good morning, everyone. in the news, the family of olympic hero oscar pistorius is coming to his defense. his uncle says pistorius is numb with shock and grief after killing his girlfriend. his family and legal team have been visiting him in jail this weekend. and this morning, pope benedict made his first appearance in st. peter's square since announcing his impending resignation blessing the faithful from his window. the vatican is now suggesting it may speed up the process of selecting his successor. and a racing yacht has
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shattered the record for the fastest trip from new york to san francisco, california. the 13,000-mile journey around the tip of south america ended in san francisco on saturday after 47 days beating the old record by 10 days, as everybody knows. finally, serena williams is playing in the final of the qatar open today, and win or lose, she will be back on top tomorrow. at 31 years of age, williams will become the oldest woman to be ranked number one in the world. >> time now for weather and over to number one ranked meteorologist ginger zee. >> thanks, ron. some of the coldest air of the season settling into south florida this morning where our live shot comes to us. they're in the upper 40s here. hollywood beach is what you're seeing, a really nice shot but slightly deceiving. oh, poor south florida. they're just so cold. here we are in the 20s up here in the northeast. let's look at the mild air. it will not last for that long. i know ron had a vested interest in this. orlando goes from 56 of a high today to 78 by tuesday. miami, you're getting close to 80 by tuesday, so don't worry. it comes right back at you.
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there is some blizzard action happening, though, at least behind some warmer air up in the dakotas, parts of minnesota. after this passes through, kansas city today, 52. chicago, only 26. indianapolis is 31 a >> this wer >> this weather report has been brought to you by citibank. bianna? >> thank you, ginger. go nowhere. go nowhere because she's going to go flying after a quick break. coming up here on "gma," ginger at it again. what has our resident daredevil gotten herself into now? also, look at this puppy go. it's one of the latest viral videos of puppies dancing to the harlem shake. he latest viral videos of puppies dancing to the
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♪ i want to get away i want to fly away ♪ i love that she's smiling in this shot. ginger zee is not only a professional sky gazer, she's also always game to go flying.
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this morning her latest adventure. >> and you see behind us there were 150 paragliders at times. this is the world cup of paragliding. it was a journey that i will never forget, one that i'd like you to join me for. ♪ >> reporter: this may be the only soccer stadium in the world where the cheers are not for the athletes on the field. >> viva, colombia! >> reporter: but for those falling from the sky. this is the world cup of paragliding. thousands of feet above the colombian andes, each of those bird-like wings has one of the top paragliders in the world dangling beneath, and one has me. it does all look familiar. you're right, i did run off a mountain in mexico last year at the same event, but back then i was a rookie. this time i get inside the world's fiercest paragliding competition.
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>> you all right? >> reporter: yep. before we get there, let's start this journey on terra firma. we're just leaving and the swiss team was nice enough to give us a ride. at the top there is a final hike. some of the pilots lug their 50-pound packs then others get a little help. bianna, that's what we needed in mt. washington. around 90% of those competing are men, so i wanted to embed with one of the top women from the states. >> women are very good pilots. we're graceful and we have this finesse to us and find it very beautiful and more like a dance than a sport. most people think we're crazy, but our inner family is very tight. >> reporter: part of that tight family, my tandem pilot for the day, one of the best from the u.s. >> we're going to have fun. >> reporter: have you flown in colombia before? >> nope. >> reporter: okay, so it's our first voyage. >> both of our maiden voyages. >> reporter: the conditions are perfect. i'm just preparing and have to get ready with my tandem flier to do that.
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not that, but there was no time to worry, we need to get ready to launch. looking up. >> ready? >> reporter: once we're heels up, we don't just rocket into the sky, we have to find fuller fuel, and that starts really close to the mountainside. within minutes other pilots start to swarm. to gain altitude, we ride the thermal or pockets of heat billowing from the sun-soaked land beneath, and we're touching the clouds, a meteorologist's dream. surrounded by 150 paragliders, this is called the launch gaggle. it's kind of like the starting line of a marathon when everyone is stretching but here they're feeling out the air. and then the race begins. the bee hive of swirling wings takes off at up 50 miles per hour and within minutes the once bustling sky is empty.
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three hours later, we catch up by bus with those that made it to the finish. this is their task goal, and only about 50 or so will make it. among them, american star matt beechinor. how was the flight? >> fantastic. >> reporter: a lot of people dropped out. >> when you land midcourse, it can be a lot more of an adventure. yeah, a lot more. >> reporter: speaking of landing midcourse, that's how our adventure had ended hours earlier. our landing was awesome. >> you all right? >> reporter: yeah. but i wanted that big finish. so we flew and landed again. and this time we had a little cheering section of our own. >> ole, colombia. >> reporter: it's not enough to join the winners but more than enough to want to do it again. i have to say congratulations to all the winners, because i'm telling you, this sport it's not easy. i learned that. >> it doesn't look easy.
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>> italy won for both men's and women's. aaron durogati and nicole fedele and i knew i was going to mess that up, and the nation's winner, switzerland. >> wow. >> nice guys who gave you a ride. >> yeah. so isn't it scary when you have everybody so close together up there? >> that was the most frightening part this time. you have again 150 pilots all going around -- they all have to turn the same way, so that keeps you in the same direction, but, boy, sometimes you have to make noises. they do this cacoo. which i think you would like. that's like their horn. that is how they let each other know they are coming close. >> you had a funny noise too, woo. >> whoo-hoo. >> our new battle cry, ole, colombia. >> sounds beautiful, ginger. >> thanks. >> glad you're back. talk about high-flying, look at these moves, an nba slam dunk contest. one of our big "fixations" coming up. one of our big "fixations" coming up. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts
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obsession ♪ ♪ you are an obsession you're msess ♪ you are an obsession you're my obsession ♪ >> it's time for "fixation" where we show you the craziest stuff we can find from around the internet. our crack research team including ron claiborne is all over the story. >> there you go. >> i'm going to start this morning. we've been following the harlem shake craze where everybody does their own shake. bianna, you know what i'm talking about. the latest entry from a puppy. i think we have it. check out the puppy. this is chaos coming. ♪ harlem shake >> oh! his friends come. >> top that, ron claiborne. top that. >> more cute animals, you're right. i will top that with the nba all-star dunk contest. we have some unbelievable, as dan likes to say, entries here. check that out. it's incredible. incredible. that was terrence ross who actually won from the raptors, the contest. so many other contestants,
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gerald green, kenneth faried and james white all making unbelievable dunks. i used to be able to do that when i was younger. >> really? >> really. yeah. not quite like that. but i could dunk. >> that's something. you know, they make it look so easy. >> it helps being about 6'7". >> yeah, that does help a little bit. from basketball to balloons and to another dog actually. here's my "fixation" of the week. meet sponge. sponge is very fixated on this little red balloon out in the snow. watch him go. look at that. go and go. >> how long? >> something's going to happen here. >> for a while. i think, ginger, you -- >> what do you think? >> he picks it back up. >> and kills it. i would say any dog wearing a bandanna is going to be a nice one. >> so mine has a balloon in it too. it's not what you're thinking. look at this. two guys pretending to throw a large snowball at people and their reaction when they figure
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out it's a balloon, very funny. >> is that a cop? >> yeah. >> look, look at her. i like that. >> yeah, a nonsnowball in the face is always -- >> i bet people didn't think that. >> in new york city? >> the time where they got -- >> i want to see uncle ron do that dunk. >> i used to be able to dunk like that. >> i believe you could still do it. i believe. >> if you lower the basket, i could do it. we'll be right back with more "gma." after a quick break, ron will be dunking for us. don't go anywhere. ron will be dunking for us. don't go anywhere. hat. ladybug body milk? no thanks. [ female announcer ] stop searching and start repairing. eucerin professional repair moisturizes while actually repairing very dry skin. it's so powerful you can skip a day... but light enough you won't want to. dermatologist recommended eucerin.
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♪and you will be happy too.
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>> robin roberts is coming back to the show. >> oh, my god. >> welcome back, girlfriend. >> welcome back. >> welcome back, girlfriend. >> welcome back. ♪ >> all: welcome back, robin. >> welcome back, robin. >> hey, robin, welcome back. >> all: welcome back, robin. >> this wednesday robin is back
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on "gma." this is so good. no matter where you are, no matter what you're going to do, make sure to watch "gma" on wednesday. three days, robin roberts is back, we are so excited about that. ron's got his basketball. he's going to dunk. >> i'm going to dunk on ginger zee. >> oh. >> nice. >> he still got it. >> all right. thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! much more later on "this week with george stephanopoulos." see ya! >> hey, robin. welcome back. >> all: welcome back, robin. >> welcome back, robin.
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good morning, and welcome to "this week." a "this week" exclusive. >> gabby giffords deserves a vote. the families of newtown deserve a vote. >> after obama's appeal on guns, immigration and the minimum wage, how will republicans respond? we'll ask congressman paul ryan here live only on "this week." plus, how is president obama going to get any of this out of congress? white house chief of staff, denis mcdonough, is here. then -- >> the debate time for senator
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hagel is not yet over. >> hagel on hold and -- >> straight out. >> was this really a big deal? >> don't worry, senator rubio, nobody noticed that you gave a speech. [ laughter ] >> our powerhouse roundtable takes on all the week's politics. george will, democratic congressman joaquin castro, former speaker of the house newt gingrich, ruth marcus from "the washington post" and former romney adviser, stuart stevens. >> hello again. george is off today. it's great to have you with us. in a "this week" exclusive congressman paul ryan is standing by to join us live, but first a major political story breaking overnight. a new report from "usa today" with what the paper says is a draft of the white house immigration proposal.


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